sape sape yg bace blog ni. tlg la bg comment pandangan korang k:) betol2 dlm dilema
Sunday, May 30, 2010
future study PROBLEM!
hmmm ni la satu prob yg sangat susah nak decide aw. macam macam ha. okay. mule2 aq dah confirm nk g kptm kuantan.confirm sgt.tpi nile dpt poly kat JB, ayah macam soh pegy kat jb je. sbb intake nov. so, aq blh join kursus pelancongan kat kl tuh from july to october. haih. macam mne nih?? penat punye aq pikir. then, aq macam dah dapat jwpn nye aq nk ke mne. tpi tu biar la aq jer yg tau. hmm.susah susah. lagy satu masalah. abang aq yg 1st ni pandai ckit bab kaji2 orang nih.:) so, dye cakap aty sesuai jadi peguam.wah! dahsyat tuh. lagy pon aq ni bab bangkang memg no 1.haha. nthla ayong.aty pon tataw. tpi kalu btol la ape yg abg aq ckp tuh. doakn je la eh. sbb rayuan upu aq ade letak LAW:) hee. insyaallah. aq pon minat. ayah suke aq involve kn diri dlm pelancongan.kalau la aq dpt tunaikn semua ni utk deurg.bagos kan. tak salah kalau niat nakk happykn parent.
bbq kambing kawo kao
urm, cousin aq tuh dye baru dapat baby, biase la kan. mesty buat akikah. so, abg aq yg kat kl tuh balek umah sbb nak wat bbq.location: TERATAK IMPIANayah:) tpi mase ni org laen dah sebok sebok masak tok kenduri akikah tuh. so, ni je la yg lari dri memasak and wat hal sendiri ngan kambing2 nih :D aq je la sorang girl yg minat bab bab maen api ni.HAHA. so, sbb tu aq pon curi tulang kejap dri kerja kerja dapor:)
2nd bro takde.makan2 kambing ni tak ingt dunie sampi pening GILA pale
wahai haris solihin. thank la eh tumbuk tampar cik aty ni. saket taw!:'(
dye ni asyik cari pasal jer.grr.tpi dye pandai speakg chinese wow!
hmm.lame la jugak bakar bakar ni smue. sampai penat.tapi takpe laa. ilang rendu aq dekat abang. tpi ni smue dah balek kl. wuaaahh! dah sunyi balek umah ni. tinggal la aq sorang sorang agy.:'(
Friday, May 28, 2010
27 may
hmm. aq bosan kat umah. tbe2 pulak doyoq msj,ckp nk dtg uma.wah! bagos bagos. aq pon nga bosan gilaa ni. doyoq dtg pon sbb nk print poly nye surt tawaran.hmm.byk bnde aq cite.tpi si doyoq ni penah pulak nak siyez an.adoy!!!makan dye tau laa.HAHA. takde keje. maen webby je la.:) la keje aq ngan si doyoq ni. abes umah ni bising sbb kiteurg memg tak stop gelak.
malam pulak feera sayang ajak webcam. okay. dgn pantasnye aq on9 sbb abg line clear.tade org gune lappy an. aha.ini lagy satu hal. aq pon asyik gelak jer. dye wat muke sengal dye tu lah.haha. rendu kaw doh. dak matrix tuh. aq tak standing dgn kaw wok!:) blaja btl2 taw. la keje aq ngan si doyoq ni. abes umah ni bising sbb kiteurg memg tak stop gelak.
naseb baek ayh dah bese dgn gelak doyoq ni.:Ddye suke betol dapat poly jb sbb ad ***** dye.haha.
goodluck yunq eh.:) asal kaw maken besar? aq pulak maken kecik. sape nak jawab tuh??:D
hmm. lame jugak doyoq kat umah. on9.makan.gelak.tu je la yg dye tau.:)
malam pulak feera sayang ajak webcam. okay. dgn pantasnye aq on9 sbb abg line clear.tade org gune lappy an. aha.ini lagy satu hal. aq pon asyik gelak jer. dye wat muke sengal dye tu lah.haha. rendu kaw doh. dak matrix tuh. aq tak standing dgn kaw wok!:) blaja btl2 taw.
aq lupe nk snap pic kaw yg sengal tuh. sebb dah syok sgt.aha.
tc ye ZAFIRA syg:) rendu kaw ngn twin kaw tuh.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
hari2 dpt ujian yg btl2 mnguji kesabaran aq
hari ni lai sekali aq kene dengar bebelan mak.mak selalu ulang2 yg dye kate dye betol betol nak tengok aq berjaye. mak. i'll try the best. sorry fer SPM. aty tak dapat nak buat yg terbaek utk mak. tadi ade ckit aty terase dgn ape yg mak cakp sampai boleh buat aty nanges. :"( tpi takpe. lagy byk salah aty buat kat mak kan. haih. aq jadi serba salah pulak taw. YA ALLAH. ni dugaan ke brp yg aq dpt dlm mase yg singkat.hmm. aq trime dugaan tu ya ALLAH. aq kne jnji dlm diri aq ni. tok pegang kate2 mak tu. mak kate. jgn la jadi macam ***** mak kecewa. mak dah tue aty. takan aty nak sampai mak tak sempat nak tgk ank2 mak berjayer.:'(
sumpa sedeh gilaa mase mak ckp mcm ni. aq msuk bilik terus nanges. memg lebam lagi la mate aq nih.
ac2lly mak kalu blh nak aq terima poly kat PG tu. intake bulan nov. sbb t aq leyh join kursus PELANCONGAN 4bulan kat kl.then habes train,trus ley smbung kat poly. tpi mak. kos yg kat situ aty tau susah. elektrik okay dri elektronik mak. tpi nak buat macam mne kan. kalau ayah yg pakse. aq kene ikot jugak.hmm. aq betol betol dlm dilema!!
sumpa sedeh gilaa mase mak ckp mcm ni. aq msuk bilik terus nanges. memg lebam lagi la mate aq nih.
ac2lly mak kalu blh nak aq terima poly kat PG tu. intake bulan nov. sbb t aq leyh join kursus PELANCONGAN 4bulan kat kl.then habes train,trus ley smbung kat poly. tpi mak. kos yg kat situ aty tau susah. elektrik okay dri elektronik mak. tpi nak buat macam mne kan. kalau ayah yg pakse. aq kene ikot jugak.hmm. aq betol betol dlm dilema!!
good luck
haih. happy betol dengar member2 dapat sambung study ade yg dah g dah pon. matrix. uia, uitm asasi. semua tu yg dah start nak mngejar kejayaan. sape yg tengah wait rayuan tu sabar taw. banyak lagi peluang tok korang okay. yg nak g poly.wah!berjoget lagi la korang kat rumah. lame lagi intake kan.:D member yg na g oversea tuh.wah! rezeki korang kat sane.:) so, pandai2 la jage diri.kat mane pon kite belajar kalau buat betol betol mesti boleh berjaye punye kan. yg penting semangat, kesungguhan and restu mak ayah. kalau belajar maen maen. dapat result teruk semua. kalau malas fikir diri sendiri. fikir je la perasaan mak ayah kita.semua ni aq dah rase laa. mnyesal kemudian tak de gunenye. bgi mase pikir tak nak pikir kn so, all the best fer friend:)especially to.. aduh. ramai sgt nak sebut ni. hmm. sape yg rase dye kawan kpd SITI MARIAM lah yer. for YUNIKA YAHYA yg bakal jdi rakan sekolej saye. haha:) kite bakal berperang di tempat yg same yunq. naseb baek ade gak mmber stepo.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
wahai zharen
hmm.ntahlaa. aq je yg faham dgn pic nih. kenapa mesti dapat dugaan ni kan. punye susah nak accept dye tu. last2 ni yg dye bagi.YA ALLAH. ape la naseb aq. must go on.
"aty,kalau dye sayang aty,dye datag balek kat aty. percayala"
ramai yg cakap macam tuh. ye sayang sayang smue. aq boleh accept kalu aq buat something yg boleh buat dye saket hati. tapi ni nothin happen okay korang mesti tak faham kan. susah laa nak cakap. aq je yg tau!!!!!
thankz la zharen fer everything. u make me hurt okayy!
ac2lly u tayah nak bagy reason yg tak masuk akal tu la.
i boleh agak ape sbb nye laa..i tak se**** you okay.
wo hen ni zharen!
all my friend semua. thank fer everything. nad! thankz than thank taw. kalu awak tak start. bende ni lagi panjang and lagi saket kan. bella! thankz teman i nanges sepanjang malam sampai lebam lebam. zue! awak la antre kawan yg kenal dye kan. thnkz fer support. aty dapat yg lebeh baek?? nth bile la kan. tona! thankz fer care. yijing! ha.wo ai ni laa. u punye nasihat always make me smile okay. kawan yg takde n i really need you. soddot! huwa.knp kaw takde. kaw la yg knl n tau cite2 ni smue since aq knl dye kn. tpi kaw dah g study!:"( sokay.tak nak ganggu kaw.adey! penat dah nk pikir2 nih. kalau dah tut! tut! jugak kan. smue dah tertulis kan. aq mude lagy. baru 18 taon:) tu pon tak cukup umor lagy kan. lesen pon takde. takde hal la. life must go on with new partner. kawan kawan aq pon ramai laa. semua baek baek. aq confirm tak ilang deurg. deurg la jantong ati aty forever kan.takde korang nth macam mne la aq ni. yg pnting! SAHABAT is everything. kan?ilove you all my sahabat sayang.hug hug!babe! thank la semua. i'll try to be new aty sooooooonn
Monday, May 24, 2010
broken heart
You're everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could have been
But still, you live inside of me, so tell me how is that?
You're the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you're the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
'Cause I can't erase
The times that you hurt me and put tears on my face
And even now, while I hate you, it pains me to say
I know I'll be there at the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
There's something that I feel I need to say
But up til' now I've always been afraid that you would never come around
And still I wanna put this out
You say you've got the most respect for me
But, sometimes I feel you're not deserving of me
And still, you're in my heart
But you're the only one
And yes, there are times when I hate you, but I don't complain
'Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away
Oh, but now I don't hate you
I'm happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be, ooh
I'm living in a world that's all about you and me, yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free to spread my wings and fly away, away with you....
I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without my baby
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
And nothing like I thought you could have been
But still, you live inside of me, so tell me how is that?
You're the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you're the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
'Cause I can't erase
The times that you hurt me and put tears on my face
And even now, while I hate you, it pains me to say
I know I'll be there at the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
There's something that I feel I need to say
But up til' now I've always been afraid that you would never come around
And still I wanna put this out
You say you've got the most respect for me
But, sometimes I feel you're not deserving of me
And still, you're in my heart
But you're the only one
And yes, there are times when I hate you, but I don't complain
'Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away
Oh, but now I don't hate you
I'm happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day
I don't wanna be without you, babe
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be, ooh
I'm living in a world that's all about you and me, yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free to spread my wings and fly away, away with you....
I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't want a broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without my baby
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl
Saturday, May 22, 2010
haih.malam yg sunyi nyi nyi.aey. sangatlah perit wait rslt rayuan nih. macam nak tunggu ape jer. sumpah takot and sgt laa menggigil nih. dah bukak web mohe. macam busy semacam je derr. adoyy. risaw la. tapi kalu dah dpt result nye mesty lega gila la weyh. confirm esok aq trus decide tok cntinue study kat KPTM jerrr. tpi haih! wat aq tunggu tunggu je la. serem!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
hari hari kerja kat dapor tlg my mom.hmm.tu la keje pompuan kan.
masak nye ckit jer.borak jer yg lebeh.
my mom kate"aty,kalu mak ni banyak duet kan.mak dah hantar aty sekola
yg bagos2. yg terbaek.bayar mahal pon tak pe la. mak nak yg tbaek"
omg mom! sedey la dgr mak ckp macam tuh. kite bukn org berada mak. :"(
so,aty tak kesa la mak. mule dari bawah.
mak cakap.aty amek la kos komputer. kan aty mak. rayuan upu aty apply
"SAINS KOMPUTER"insyaallah kalu ade rezeki aty dapat la okay. pray fer me mom
mak cakp.kalu tak dpt,aty truskan je la ELECTRICAL tu kat KPTMpahang.
dah study jauh2. buat baek baek.jangan maen maen. mak slalu doakn aty.
smlm meet uncle. dye kate"kaw blaja betol betol ty. kaw kene buktikan yg pompuan ley jdi "ENGINEER"
wuahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.lagy la aq terharu.
takpe.smue tu tok bekal nak bwk g sane.
fer my mom: thank fer everythg.aty slalu ingat pesan mak tu
ptg mse untok tido. best:) bukan aq jer.kucin pon syok same.
abg aq tak tdo.dye dok on9 sajo.
so,mlm ni dye dlamun mimpi yg agak awal.HAHA
tu yg dpt nak on9 nih.
dah lame tak on9 mlm. mlm ni bese la an. VIDEO CALL ngan BELLA
kaw tak caye an muke kaw satu lappy??HAHA. besar PUNYE!:D
she say:
she say:
When ure not online i feel like my world is dark.seriously:(
where are you now
Where are you now
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close
Help me when I am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong
So,take my hand and walk with me,
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free
Where are you now...
Where are you now
Now that I'm half grown
Why are we far apart
I feel all alone
Where are you now
When nothing is going right
Where are you now
I can't see the light
So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah
I need you, to need me
Can't you see me,
How could you leave me
My heart is half empty
Im not whole when your not with me
I want you here with me
To guide me, hold me, and love me now
Where are you now.... ohhhh...
Where are you now..oooo
So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah
Ohhh....where are you now....oh...yeah...yeah...oh oh yeaahhh
When I need you the most
Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close
Help me when I am down
Lift me up off the ground
Teach me right from wrong
Help me to stay strong
So,take my hand and walk with me,
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free
Where are you now...
Where are you now
Now that I'm half grown
Why are we far apart
I feel all alone
Where are you now
When nothing is going right
Where are you now
I can't see the light
So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah
I need you, to need me
Can't you see me,
How could you leave me
My heart is half empty
Im not whole when your not with me
I want you here with me
To guide me, hold me, and love me now
Where are you now.... ohhhh...
Where are you now..oooo
So take my hand and walk with me
Show me what to be
I need you to set me free, yeah yeah
Ohhh....where are you now....oh...yeah...yeah...oh oh yeaahhh
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
balik kampung
hari ni balik kampung jer. lawat unty balek dri umrah.
hmm.tade ape dah nak cite sbb mood ni asyik tak baek je lately.
ni la ole ole yg unty aq bagi dri mekah
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
aq boleh happy depan smue orgg.tpi dalam hati ni takde spe yg tau kn,,
boleh chill dpn smue org tpi takde spe taw dlm hati ni macam mane.
perasaan nih mcm mane.
knp susah sggt nak happy fer long time.HUH!
hey! today is 18. hmm. the important day to me.
boleh chill dpn smue org tpi takde spe taw dlm hati ni macam mane.
perasaan nih mcm mane.
knp susah sggt nak happy fer long time.HUH!
hey! today is 18. hmm. the important day to me.
tpi sampai ati dye tak angkt call,,
tak reply msj.takpe.just think positive la kan
but i'm totally not in mood n SAD
kat lappy ni la aq wait je 18 ni muncul
yeah.18 18 18<3
(la tahzan)
yeah.18 18 18<3
(la tahzan)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
hari ni mood online takde laa. nth mengapa.HAHA.
ptg on9 dpt tag pic dri ija. wah.dah lame kot tak tgk pic ni. thnk ija.
aq dah lame nk cari pic ni taw. bru skng jumpe
pc aq byk sgtt pic korangg.tpi malangnye pc tu dah taley on lgsung.
so smue kenangan hilang la weyh.sob sob:"(
tapi si MIMI pulak takde mase ni kn.knp dye balek ruma ekh??
korang korang smue lepas ni dah ke mane mane kn
so,tc taw. jgn la buat bnde sptotnye tak buat mcm kat ostel dulu tu yek.HAHA:)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
rumah jer:)
hary nih takde kerja. duduk ruma jer. hmm.pagy cam bese la.turn aq tok online kan.:) then tghri aq saje lepak2 kat bilik. tbe2 bella msj soh on9 ym. aq trus la ckp ngan abg nak gune an. aq on je.bella trus wat videocall. aq punye jerit satu uma ley dengar.HAHA. sbb si debab aten tu ade ngn bella. wahh! rendu nye kat korang wok. aq sampai taley ckp ape ape. senyum je boleh.hee. tpi sumpah terkejut aten! nseb baek tak pukul2 pc ni.haha. aten! aty happy aten muat kat vc tuh.sorry aw kutuk2.sje je ilang rendu. tak janji la bile nak datang JB. tau je la kan dah nak smbung study. phm2 je la bz ckit. t la kalu dah ade kete sendiri. senang ckit nak g meet korang.:))
due due ni dah agak gemok la:)
rendu nye lah kan.aten tak ubah ubah.asyik gelak aje awak ekh:D
video call dgn due org ni buat aq jdi sgt renduuuuuuuuuuu:(
video call dgn due org ni buat aq jdi sgt renduuuuuuuuuuu:(
petang2 lepas mandy tak de keje.tibe tibe rendu sgt kat plkn. teringt smue xtvt kat kem. nth knp nth ngn aq ni. "ANEH-ANEH" jer. tu la bnde yg agak femes kat kem aq.HAHA. then,takde la yg aq buat.. smua stuff yg aq dpt.byk agy tapi smue nth mne aq letak.aha.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!sgt rendu la
Friday, May 14, 2010
maen masak masak
weee~pagy tadi bangun awl dan online sangatla awal:) ehe. tghari saje nk hiburrkan hati maen masak masak pakai kayu kat blakang. wah!sangatla best.macam camping kot:) sampaia peluh peluh. tpi puas hati. api idop besar wow! ni je la xtvt hari nih. ptg tido dgn nyenyaknye sbb penat! ac2lly aq buat smue ni sbb aq nak ilgkn serabut kat otak aq nih.grrr.
inilah hasilnya.goreng ikan.HAHA
cite nak beria kan.tpi masak nth ape2 je:)
i'm sorry zharen. maybe mase terdekat ni tak boleh nak contact u.
tak taw la knp.i really miss you la. you jauh kan dgn i?
so,i tk taw ape u buat dkat sne.but,i trust u b.
u nak study dah kan. so,good luck. stdy baek baek dekat sne tuh k.
so,i tk taw ape u buat dkat sne.but,i trust u b.
u nak study dah kan. so,good luck. stdy baek baek dekat sne tuh k.
i really miss you zharen:(
Thursday, May 13, 2010
home sweet home
pagy pagy bangun. mak suruh masak break1st.hee. ape pon masak mee goreng kerenteng.haha. sedap jugak la kott. habes jer aq tgk. hari ni memg tade plan ape2. dok uma je la. tghri after asak fer lunch. aq ajak my mum mandykn my kucing sayang.:) wahhh!kucin ni sggt la tak suke mandy taw. tpi aq pakse jugak dye mandy. masuk dlm toilet,tutp pintu. simbahh! senang kan.HAHA.mane taknye. dye ni suke berjalan. balek uma badan kotor.grr.tu yg gerammmm.ha! ambek kaw nyaww!
haha.puas ati aq dpt mandy kan kucin nih.wangi ouh dye.
tpi teramatla lame dye kat luar mngeringkan badan.haha.
ptg ptg pulak takde keje.on9 je
smbil makn twisties and ice blanded MILO.buat sndri wok!:D
thnkz bro buatkan:)
then,dah takde keje sgtt. call minah gilaa si soddot la weyh.
tpi nyesal call dye sbb dye nyanyikn aq lagu.haha.
sore kaw tu tak bape nak elok tu yg sket tinge.HAHA.
laen kali go back and more and more practice baru nyanyikn tok aq aw dootttt!:D
ptg ptg pulak takde keje.on9 je
smbil makn twisties and ice blanded MILO.buat sndri wok!:D
thnkz bro buatkan:)
then,dah takde keje sgtt. call minah gilaa si soddot la weyh.
tpi nyesal call dye sbb dye nyanyikn aq lagu.haha.
sore kaw tu tak bape nak elok tu yg sket tinge.HAHA.
laen kali go back and more and more practice baru nyanyikn tok aq aw dootttt!:D
wahhhhhhhhh.mlm ni habeskan mase ngn melayan baby saye yg agak mereng.
voice call ngn dye jer. 3jam kot.
wahai siti nabila. awk sgtt la gila. HAHA. macam2 cita ade.
malam malam bute aq gilaaa lyn dak apple yg dtg dri mane aq tataw.grr!wtf?
wahai siti nabila. awk sgtt la gila. HAHA. macam2 cita ade.
malam malam bute aq gilaaa lyn dak apple yg dtg dri mane aq tataw.grr!wtf?
then,lame lame aq agak ngantok tahap yg agak melampau. so,derr,paham paham je la. nak tido !
wahh,sedap je kalu tido nyenyak cam ni an:)
bye bye.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
pagy2 lagi aq dah on facebook.then at the same time yi jing on9. aq ape lagy tnye la dye chinese word g sgt sgt laa aq perlukan. sbb confir dye tak paham an.
wo tao yan ni!!!!
bnde ni aq tujukan khas tok someone yg aq pggil sweetalker. geram taw same kucu2 ni.HAHA. BAGI ORGG GERAM SAME KAW LA WEYH!!
(thank yi jing!ilove you laaa)
wee~kalau la sweetalker tu mcm ni rupenye msty best kan. tapi tak.
sweetalker bukn macm ni. tpi mcm nih:"(
pahit sgt sgt ouh
webcam dgn dgn call dgn dia.haha.mengalahkn bf aq jer. tpi boleh jadi gilaa aq layan pale otak dye.:) renduu la weyh!
mate aq sampai lebam la weyh asyk layan kaw malam2 bute.
haha.sape nak jawab nih??
asyik video call. asyik webcam jer?? bile nak meet weyh??grr. nak tengk spe agy tinggi.huwaaaaa;D
update blog
dottttt! dottttttt! haha.maybe lepas ni aq rajen kot update blog nih kaw yg soh kan.hee t aq jadi rajen eh update blog.taw taw.kaw la penaek smgt aq tok update blog ni wok! deyy! best call ngn kaw tady.:) kaw nak g study dah kan. t8care n jgn nak gedik gedik kat sane. awak tu in law!HAHA.weyh! aq rase cam permaisuri bile kaw kate kaw peminat setia aq.(PERASAN) je ler
NUR AQILAH BINTI SUHAIMI.i'm gonna miss you babe:)
haha.ade cam akaq ngan adeq tak??
mesty la aq adeq.kaw akaq dotttt.;D
haha.ade cam akaq ngan adeq tak??
mesty la aq adeq.kaw akaq dotttt.;D
haha.tu la kaw.kepoh sgt an.nah! amek pic kaw ni.haha. alim nye kaw.:)ily ily
kite terbaek kan dott!HAHA
(terbaek buat sepah je la)
suke suke
jadi penganggur ni tade keje an. so,ptg2 tgk tv. then suke pulak kat cite ADAMAYA taw!:) so,lepas tuh aq tak pena miss tg adamaya. b4 kol 6.30 dah dok depan tv.haha. adam so sweet kan. best nye lah kalu dptt guy macam tuh,wee~~ maya pulak.aduh! knp la tak penah nak faham si adam tuh. dani lagy la penyebok dlm uma tangga org. amani. comel gilaa. haih!kadang tuh emo gak tgk cite ni.haha.
happy mothers day
hari tu family g celebrate mothers day kat gunung ledang.tpi tak smue.abg busy kerja.
weee~~ mak yg celebrate mothers day. aq yg pling happy.haha.
happy la weyh,,
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM!may god bless you:)
impian ayah
ni la yg ayah nak buat kn.
finally siap jugak TERATAK IMPIAN ayah kan.:)
sejak teratak ni siap,ayah byk habiskan mase kat sini jer. suke tengok ayah happy taw. hari2 ade je yg dye buat. landskap la.ape la.ayah memg seorang yg kreatif.:)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
sangat lah lame tak update blog.
ouh.hari hari dudok rumah je la. jadi suri rumah konon konon.HAHA. rendu sangat wok kat smue orang. lesen nak ambek tak terambik ambik.;D wah! da maken tinggi kot aq.(perasan) best jugak stay kat rumah. banyak mase spend time dgn parent.
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